If you could choose between spending the next hour working or walking the streets of Paris, is there any job you’d rather do in France? Hardly! But when you get tired of lazing around on the French Riviera beach, it’ll be nice to start doing something else that makes you just as happy. If you enjoy your job duties more than unproductive pleasures, you’re certainly lucky. For a large part of people, however, the hours worked are torture, which they endure only because of the money earned. And the free time is then taken as a reward. To love what we do, we have to change that thought.

Often the pleasure of work comes at the end, with a visible result. If seeing what has been achieved, you exclaim – It turned out great! then the torture was worth it. If the result gives you positive emotions, then there were those throughout the process, even if you didn’t feel them at the time. Doing what you love takes discipline. Find the profession that gives you pleasure. Some people know what they want to become at an early age. They strive for their goal in high school and university, study hard, go to parties rarely, sign up for internships, and seek contacts with people with similar professional interests. Finally, they are successfully implemented in the chosen field. This is the optimal case, but unfortunately, it is more the exception than the rule.

And while human possibilities are truly limitless, various factors prevent us from becoming what we wanted. Then? Then we just have to love more things. There are two example ways for this to happen: synchronous and asynchronous. First, as you grow in your career, you gradually and naturally increase the people, places, and activities you like in your work. The second way takes longer – you work long enough at something you don’t like to save up and start doing something else you like. To do what you love, you need to love it not only at this moment, but for a longer period – a week, a month, years. Many people admire celebrities who appear on television, on magazine covers and on billboards. But to get there, they took tough exams, started their careers on low-end cable TV, went through tough training, and had injuries. Everyone admires the result, but the path to it remains unknown to many. If you love what you are striving for, the hard steps to the goal will not scare you.

When we do what we love, we feel happy and in harmony with ourselves. If you do one thing that is your own, every day, you guarantee yourself the necessary dose of happiness for 24 hours. It can be simple and small, insignificant and short, such as drawing a picture with your child, enjoying the Chinese rose in bloom, or rolling a ball of yarn for your kitten. It will have a much higher value if it gives you pleasure than a simple mechanical action. These brief moments are the emotional pillars that will support you as you wait in line at the store and as you keep your balance on the crowded bus.


Just as a great journey begins with a small step, great happiness is achieved with happiness day by day. Try doing one thing you love every day for a week. Write down in your mind, on your phone, in your notebook, or your blog what you have done, and what you plan to do to feel happy. If by chance an empty square appears (ie missed happiness) – make up with two the next day. At the end of the week, you will have 7 things that happened that you love and that made you feel good. Challenge yourself with action, that will raise your adrenaline, something you’ve dreamed of doing, but still haven’t found enough courage, time, or money – Kom – Emine hiking trail, bungee jump, underwear photo shoot. Entering the rails of the daily routine leads to the establishment of a single type of mood – more often a minor one. The challenges will be the peaks in the amplitude of your mood. They will charge your body with endorphins, which will make you feel happy about what you have done. Let others know what you love. If the person next to you knows that you like riding, it will be much easier for him to surprise you with a horse trek through the Rhodopes for your birthday. If he sees how much fun you get from making cards, he would encourage you to develop and never grumble about spending money on papers and stamps. The support and positive evaluation of others is a good incentive to continue doing what you love. Manage your time. Who do you resemble more in your everyday life – the always late rabbit from Alice in Wonderland or a strict and punctual German? If you’re more of the first type, it’s no wonder you keep running out of time for the things you love to do. While you are always rushing for some important tasks, you miss out on your personal, small moments.

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